Agenda for Emergency Meeting


Date - May 9, 2009

Time- 10:00 A.M.

Place - 8915 Aberdeen Creek Circle

Purpose - Review fine schedule to be levied against homeowners who have received violations letters and who have not complied

  1. Call to order
  2. Reading of previous minutes
  3. Vote on new members to Arbitration Committee- Heather Zerby and Karen Knowles
  4. Discussion of fine schedule to be levied against homeowners in violation
  5. Motion to hire Mike Wise for pond maintenance (E-mail on 1-14, 2009- Cliff made motion, Marci 2nd motion, approved by Denise and Claire, Debbie abstained)
  6. January Financials
  7. February Financials
  8. March Financials
  9. April Financials
  10. ACC Report by Claire
  11. Motion to set up petty cash fund of $50.00- discussion and vote
  12. Adjourn meeting