Aberdeen Creek Homeowners Association

P.O. Box 1603

Riverview, Florida 33568

HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Riverview Civic Center

10/23/07 at 7:00 PM

ATTENDEES: David Flynn - President, Marci Martin – Vice President, Cliff Reiss – Treasurer.

The following homes (in addition to Board members) were represented: 8803, 8904, 8915, 8924, 8940, 8946.


  1. Meeting called to order at 7:10PM, Dave Flynn President presiding.
  2. Approval of 07/19/2007 Board meeting Minutes as posted on the web site. Motion to approve by M. Martin, seconded by C. Reiss. Unanimous approval.
  3. Report of Standing Committees
    1. Treasurer’s Report
      1. Bank Account Balance $15,214.17
      2. September Expenses $1,273.02.
      3. September Bank Statements (09/30/2007) reviewed by Marci Martin and confirmed to September financials
      4. Full Year Forecast – net income (expense) projected at $373.76 not including any additional landscape / beautification expense before year-end.
      5. M. Martin motion to approve, seconded by D. Flynn. Unanimous approval.
    2. Architectural Committee Report
      1. Carol Flynn reported 2 approvals – 1 for a pool and 1 for house painting.
  4. Ad Hoc Committees
    1. Arbitration Committee – no report
  5. Old Business
    1. Updated Homeowners List – has been completed by C. Reiss.
    2. Neighborhood Security and Vandalism – the ACHOA has responded to the letter received from C. O’Brien in Boyette Farms and Denise Briggs circulated an email with the information to everyone she has an address for.
    3. Proposal to move HOA fee payment date. No further action to be taken on this item.
    4. Sales & Foreclosures – the Board will authorize Crew Cuts to cut the front lawn for the property at 8910 no more than 2x per month at a cost not to exceed $20 per cutting. Accumulated charges will be billed back to the next property owner after foreclosure. Motion by C. Reiss seconded by D. Flynn unanimous approval.
    5. Violations (Note - all property references are by lot number from the Board cross-reference list)
      1. Notices sent since last meeting
        1. Thank you sent to homeowner at "102" for lawn resodding
      2. Fine Letter to be sent to owner of "222" for failure to repair lawn.
    6. Landscape Proposal
      1. Board agreed to move forward in 2 phases. Phase 1 will include removal of the pine trees, trimming of other trees at the fence, and planting appropriate flowers / flowering bushes in the front area under the sign where the drip irrigation system can keep these items watered. Additional work will be reviewed for "phase 2" after the completion of phase 1. The Board will entertain a work committee to handle the planting – tree trimming will be contracted out.
  6. New Business
    1. Election Planning
      1. 5 owners have agreed to run for the 2008 Board – Clifford Reiss, Denise Briggs, John Cirello, Marci Martin, and Rob Fisher.
      2. Members meeting notice must be mailed by 11/14/2007 with proxy for the Annual Members meeting to be held at the Riverview Civic Center on Thursday, November 29, 2007. Votes from at least 10% of the owners are required to complete the election process. A community letter will be included in the mailing – one item in the letter will be solicitation of updated email addresses.
    2. 2008 Budget was reviewed. A copy will be included in the members meeting notice mailing.
    3. Window Replacement
      1. Board briefly discussed oan wners question asking if window replacement requires ACC approval. Homeowner was advised to submit the request to the ACC for approval pending review of the CC&R’s by the Board
    4. Other New Business - none
  7. Being no further business, motion to adjourn by M. Martin seconded by C. Reiss. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM