HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Riverview Civic Center

November 29, 2007

ATTENDEES: David Flynn-President, Marci Martin – Vice President, Cliff Reiss – Treasurer, Amy Perez-Secretary, Deanna Davis – At Large

Homeowners: 8803, 8903, 8806, 8908, 8914, 8915, 8946, 8950, 9002, 9008

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. by D. Flynn.
  2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on October 23, 2007. A.Perez motioned to approve minutes, seconded by M. Martin. Unanimous approval.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Bank Account Balance $12,368.78.
    2. November Expenses $1,365.37.
    3. Bank Statements reviewed by Marci Martin and confirmed to financials
    4. A.Perez motion to approve, seconded by M. Martin. Unanimous approval
  4. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
    1. Arbitration Committee – No activity to report.
    2. Fine Committee – No activity to report
  5. Report of Standing Committees
    1. Architecture Committee Report
      1. Applications Received / Actions Taken
        1. Window Installation – Approved
        2. Screen Door Installation - Approved
      2. Other Committee Business - none
  6. Old Business
    1. Sales & Foreclosures
      1. Crew Cuts has not needed to mow at 8910 because neighbor has voluntarily mowed. However, Crew Cuts will mow if necessary when they come.
    2. Violations
      1. Homeowner at 222 – no response to previous fine letter - will be fined again.
    3. Landscape Improvements
      1. Landscape Update- At the last meeting, Board approved to move forward with improving the frontage landscaping. The improvements will be handled in phases. Phase I will include cutting down the pine trees, trimming the trees that overhang the fence, and improvements to the center island. Phase II improvements will be determined after Phase I is complete. This will be handled by the next year’s Board.
  7. New Business
    1. 2008 Elections
      1. Presentation of Candidates
        1. Cliff Reiss
        2. Marci Martin
        3. Denise Briggs
        4. Richard Cochran
        5. John Cirello
        6. Rob Fisher (not present)
      2. Voting – 19 proxies were collected which is greater than 10% of the community required by the Bylaws to elect a new board.
      3. C. Reiss and H. Zerby tallied the votes. The 2008 Board elected is as follows: Cliff Reiss, John Cirello, Marci Martin, Rob Fisher, Denise Briggs
    2. Annual Homeowner Association Fees ($350.00) due on January 1st, 2008.
    3. Board Turnover Meeting date December 20th at David Flynn’s home (9008).
    4. 2008 Budget was approved. C. Reiss motioned to approve, seconded by M.Martin and concurred by D. Flynn and A. Perez. (note – due to an oversight the budget approval by Board was completed after the meeting).

  8. Motion to adjourn made by A.Perez and seconded by M. Martin. Being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.


Prepared by: Amy Perez, HOA Secretary