



Minutes for November 17, 2005 Board Meeting

The meeting was held at the Riverview Civic Center and called to order at 7:07 PM by President Rob Fisher.

Four board members were present: Rob Fisher President, Karen Knowles Vice President, Julia Ryan Treasurer, Clifford Reiss Secretary. A quorum of the Board was present.

Nine (9) Aberdeen Creek Owners were represented as evidenced by their entries on the sign-in sheet: 8806, 8901, 8912, 8915, 8930, 8932, 8946, 8950, and 9002.

The meeting Agenda was prepared by Rob Fisher and posted on the Aberdeen Creek web site prior to the meeting. A copy of the Agenda is in the Secretary’s file with these minutes.

The minutes of the October 20, 2005 Board meeting were posted on the Aberdeen Creek Homeowners Association web site (www.aberdeencreekfl.com) for review by the Board members prior to the meeting. Motion to approve the minutes as written offered by Karen Knowles, seconded by Julia Ryan, approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s report by Julia Ryan – a copy of the Financials are in the Secretary’s file.

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report offered by Karen Knowles, seconded by Clifford Reiss, unanimously approved.

The Board discussed the proposed 2006 Budget. The first topic of discussion was the change from 50 to 52 Lots. The current Board lawyer, Steven Mezer of Bush Ross, PA has advised the Board that last year’s change to the CC&R’s to reduce the number of Lots to 50 and to not charge an annual assessment for the unimproved lots is not enforceable – as it is a change to the Deed and Plat for the subdivision – and such a change requires the consent of 100% of the Owners. In response to a request for clarification from one of the Owners attending the meeting Rob Fisher will ask the lawyer to explain his basis for 100% requirement. The 2006 Assessments for Lots 8946 and 8950 will each indicate that the Assessments are for 1-1/2 Lots.

The Board also noted that sufficient signatures have been obtained to pass the two new amendments to the CC&R’s. The lawyer will shortly complete his review of the signatures and then file the amendments with the County. When this has been completed the Amendments will be posted on the ACHOA web site.

The Board completed a line-by-line review of the proposed Budget for 2006. Some of the items discussed included:

The proposed 2006 Budget was previously approved by a board motion at the October meeting – no further action was required at this meeting.

The following candidates for election to the Board presented themselves (in person or thru a proxy) to the Board and membership:

Voting for the 2006 Board took place but only 21 Owners voted (in person or by proxy). Tom Martinez represented the community as an observer for the counting of votes. President Rob Fisher advised that a minimum of 34 Owners must vote to obtain the 2/3 vote necessary to complete the election of Directors. The Board will follow-up with the community to obtain additional proxies to reach the required 2/3 vote. Results will be announced at the December Board meeting.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM on a motion from Karen Knowles, seconded by Julia Ryan and unanimously approved.